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Jianwei Zhang

December 29, 2020    Author:

Jianwei Zhang

Personal profile

Professor, Ph.D. Vice Dean

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan Unive-rsity

Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng, China

Email: [email protected]



Apr. 2016- May 2017                     Visiting scholar in  Windsor  University, Windsor, ON, Canada

Mar. 2006- May 2009                     Ph.D. Student for Geotechnical engineering, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.

Sep. 2003- Feb. 2006                     Master Student for Geotechnic-al engineering, College of Environment and Resources, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China

Sep. 1999- Jul. 2003                     Bachelor Student for Civil engi-neering, School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Univ-ersity, Jiaozuo, China


Career Details

Professor                                     Henan University, China (Jan. 2019-)

Associate Professor                     Henan University, China (Dec. 2011- Jan. 2019)

Lecturer                                       Henan University, China (May 2009-Dec. 2011)


Research Interests

Mechanical properties and constitutive model of MICP

Bearing capacity of composite pile foundation

Research Projects

1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51508163), Title: Research on bea-ring characteristic & deformation mechanism of pile foundation on hillside  under  combined vertic-al and lateral loads. (30 thousand U.S. dollars), Jan. 2016- Dec. 2018;

2. Key Scientific and Technological Projects of Henan Province (Grant No. 192102310226),  Title: Study on GFRP reinforced pile under lateral load in silt foundation of Yellow flood basin. (15 thousand U.S. dollars), Jan.2109- Dec. 2020;

3. The Training Program for Young Scholar in Colleges and Universities of Henan Province (Grant No. 2019GGJS041), Title: Research on restoration and reinforcement of ancient masonry buildings based on MICP technology. (7 thousand dollars), Jan. 2020- Dec. 2022;


Latest Publications

  1. Jianwei Zhang, Xiaoju Wang, Hao Wang*, and Hongyu Qin (2020). “Model Test and    Numerical Simulation of Single Pile Response under Combined Loading in Slope.” Applied Scien-ces, 10(17), 6140. //doi.org/10.3390/app10176140.

  2. Hao Wang*, Peng Wang, Hongyu Qin, Jianwei Yue and Jianwei Zhang* (2020). “Method to  control the deformation of anti-slide piles in Zhenzilin landslide.” Applied Sciences, 10(8), 2831. //doi.org/10.3390/app10082831

  3. Hao Wang*, Zhiying Lv, Hongyu Qin, Jianwei Yue, and   Jianwei Zhang* (2020). “Deformati-on Control Method of the Anti-slide Pile under Trapezoidal Load in the Zhangjiawan Landslide.” Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 1. //doi.org/10.1155/2020/1405610

  4. Jialin Zhou, Jianwei Zhang*, Yuzhuo Wang, Erwin Oh (2020). “Field Static Load Tests  of Post-grouted Piles under Various Failure Conditions.” Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 1. //doi.org/10.1155/2020/8832579.

  5. Jianwei Zhang, Haifeng Yin, Rongxiang Li, Pengxiang Zhang, Mengfan Lou (2020). “Study   on the Horizontal Bearing Capacity of Fiberglass Composite Piles with Different Wrap   Angle. ” Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering, 16(4), 1062-1068.

  6. Jianwei Zhang, Han Yi, Rongxiang Li, Xuanming Ding, Hanliang Bian (2020). “Study on  ho-rizontal bearing characteristics of pile foundation on slope under combined load.” Building Structure, 50(13), 128-133.

  7. Jianwei Zhang, Feixiang Kang, Hanliang Bian, Hang Yu (2020). “Experiments on unconfined compressive strength of lignin modified silt in Yellow river flood area under freezing-thawing cycles.” Rock and Soil Mechanics, 41(Supp.2), 1-6.

  8. Jianwei Zhang, Rongxiang Li, Hang Yu, Hao Wang (2020). “Study on the unified limit force profile of single pile in sloping ground.” Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 40(2), 160-166.

  9. Jianwei Zhang, Hang Yu, Shiqing Wang, Rongxiang Li, Yi Han, Xiaoshan Huang (2019).   “Experimental study on interface friction characteristics of silty soil in the Yellow River floodi--ng area with glass fiber reinforced polymer composite cloth”. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 36(10), 2469-2477.

  10. Rongxiang Li, Jianwei Zhang*, Qianyi Zhang, Yi Han, Meng Wei (2018). “Experimental   stu-dy and numerical simulation of horizontal bearing behavior of pile foundation with different slope angles.” China Sciencepaper, 13(19), 2252-2257.

  11. Ning Xu, Jianwei Zhang*, Rongxiang Li (2018). “Test and numerical study on the bearing cap-acity of GFRP composite pile under lateral loadings.” Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 40(5), 9-15.

Honors and Awards

The 14th Youth Scientific and Technological Award in Kaifeng, 2019

Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award in Henan Province, 2020


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