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Sen Wen

December 31, 2020    Author:

   Sen Wen

             Place of Birth:Xi County,HenanProvince, P. R. China



Address:School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University      ,Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng City, 475004,P. R.China


2020.7 ~ now: Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, China

2016.10~ 2017.10:Visiting Scholar,Departmentof Civil Engineering,MonashUniversity,Australia

2013.1 ~ 2020.6: Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, China

2009.12 ~ 2012.12:Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, China

2006.09 ~ 2009.11: Ph. D, Geotechnical Engineering, HoHai University

2003.09 ~ 2006.07: M.S, Engineering Mechanics, Henan Polytechnique University

1999.09 ~ 2003.07: B.S, Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnique University

Major Scientific Research Field:

ØAction mechanism between rock and Rock Tunnel Boring Machine

ØAction mechanism betweensoilandShieldMachine

ØDeformation mechanism of rock tunnel

ØDynamic rock mechanics

Responsible Main Scientific Projects:

(1) National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant No. 51608174):Study on interaction mechanism between TBM disc cutters and surrounding rock in deep mixed rock strata; 200000 RMB, 2017.1~2019.12

(2) Science and Technology Development of Henan Province, China(Grant No. 192102310014); 100000 RMB, 2019.1~2020.12

(3) National key basic research program (973 Program)(Grant No.2014CB046905):Control theory on safety of TBM construction and stability of surrounding rock in deep mixed ground;800000 RMB, 2014.1~2018.12

(4)Natural Science Foundation ofHenan Province(Grant No.13A560081): Study on risk evaluation method of TBM construction accidents caused by deep buried tunnel deformations;20000 RMB,2013.4~2015.4

(5)Natural Science Foundation ofHenan University(Grant No.zzjj20140035):Study on action mechanism between TBM disc cutters and surrounding rock and the method of penetrate rate prediction in deep mixed strata;190000 RMB,2014.04~2019.04

Main JournalPublications:

[1]Sen Wen, Chunshun Zhang, Yulin Chang, Ping Hu. Dynamic compression characteristics of layered rock mass of significant strength changes for adjacent layers. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020, 15(2):353-365.

[2]Sen Wen, Chunshun Zhang, Ya Zhang. Favorable driving direction of double shield TBM in deep mixed rock strata: Numerical investigations to reduce shield entrapment [J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2019, 17(3):237-245.

[3]Sen Wen, Shuyu Zhou, Guilin Sheng.Experiments on the efficiency of rock fragmentation by rotarycutting in composite rock strata. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2019,40(7):2628-2636.

[4]Sen Wen, Shengqi Yang.Studyon rheologicaldeformation ofcircular tunnel surrounding rock based on Hoek-Brown criterion.ModernTunnelingTechnology, 2016,53(3):63-67.

[5]Sen Wen, Shengqi Yang. TBM jamming mechanism and control measures in deep buried tunnel. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37(7):1271-1277.

[6]Sen Wen,Qingmei Kong, Sheng qi Yang, et al.Study on Efficiency of Rock Breaking by TBM cutters in Joint Rock Mass of Different Confining Pressures. ModernTunnelingTechnology,2017,54(3):148-154.

[7]Shengqi Yang, Yanhua Huang, Sen Wen. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of red sandstone with two non-coplanar fissures after high temperature heating.Chinese Journal ofRockMechanics and Engineering, 2015, 34(3):1-12.

[8]Sen Wen, Dongqing He, Shengqi,Yang.Comprehensive risk analysis of TBM construction accident induced bytunnel deformations. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2014, 35(6):1727-1734.

[9]Sen Wen, Limin Zhao, Yuqing Yuan, Jianwei Zhang.Risk Analysis on Water Inflow in Deep Buried Tunnel Based onWater Pressure Test and Measurement of Fractures. Journal of Henan University (Natural Science) , 2011, 41(6):645-648.

[10]Sen Wen,Weiya Xu.Riskanalysisof doubleshield TBM construction accident induced by tunnel deformations.Chinese Journal ofRockMechanics and Engineering, 2011, 30(s1):3060-3065.

[11]Sen Wen, Shengqi Yang.Study of deformations of surrounding rock of tunnel basedonHoek-Brown criterion onHoek-Brown criterion. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2011,32(1):63-69.

[12]Shengqi Yang, Sen Wen.Method for strength parameters of coal samples with different diameters. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(6):881-891.

[13]Sen Wen, Yanxi Zhao, Shengqi,Yang.Prediction on penetration rate of TBM based on Monte Carlo-BP neural network. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2009, 30(10):3127-3132.

[14]Sen Wen, Qingmei Kong.Riskassessment on theaccident of TBMcutterheadjammingcaused bytunnelcollapse.Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,2014, 31 (4): 59-62.

[15]Sen Wen,Chao Yan,Yuqing Yuan.Study on deformation of rocktunnel face.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2012,1665-1668,Yantai, China,2012.5.25-2012.5.27。

[16] Sen Wen,Limin Zhao,Yuqing Yuan.Study on risk acceptancecriteria of tunnel engineering under construction,1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2011,3518-3522,Haikou, China,2011.6.18-2011.6.20。

[17]Sen Wen, Jianwei Zhang. Critical strain of circular tunnel squeezing deformation in weak rock mass.Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,2010,27(2):42-45.

[18]Sen Wen, Yanxi Zhao. Analysis of the deformation of stratified rock surrounding deep tunnels. Metal Mine, 2009, 394(4):11-15.

[19]Shengqi Yang, Hongmei Ni,Sen Wen. Experimental analysis on spatial acoustic emission evolution of red sandstone during multi-stage triaxial deformation. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21:3316-3326.

[20]Shengqi Yang, Sen Wen, Liangquan Li. Experimental study on deformation and strength properties of coarse marble withdiscontinuouspre-existing cracks different confining pressures.Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2007,26(8):1572-1587.

[21]Shengqi Yang, Yuzhou Jiang, Sen Wen. Study on the strength parameters of coarse marble with two pre-existing cracks. Engineering Mechanics, 2008, 25(12):127-134.

[22]Jianzhong Sun, Shengqi Yang, Sen Wen. Research on deep jointed rock fragmentation by TBM cutters and cutters spacing optimization. Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering, 2015, 32(01):126-131.

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