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January 8, 2021    Author:

Jianwei Yue

              PhD   Professor

Dean of School of civil engineering and architecture of Henan University; Famous teachers in Henan Province; Excellent education management talents in Henan Province.

Jin Ming Avenue, Kaifeng, China

Email:[email protected]


Social part-time job





Executive director of architectural construction branch of Chinese Architectural Society.



Deputy director of construction safety professional committee of Henan Civil Architecture Society.



Executive director of Henan Construction Education Association.






Visiting scholar, MU(University of Miami, USA).



PhD in Civil Engineering; Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.



MS in Civil Engineering; Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.



BS in Industrial and civil architecture; Zhengzhou University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China.

Research Interests


(1) Study on mechanical properties and constitutive of special soil

(2) Research on the protection technology of earthen sites

(3) Research on restoration technology of historic buildings

(4) Soft soil foundation treatment technology

(5) Study on performance of composite pile.

Main course


Seismic design of engineering structure (Undergraduate); Analysis and treatment of civil engineering accidents (Undergraduate); Graduation project (Undergraduate); Special research on Civil Engineering (Postgraduate) ; Development and frontier of Civil Engineering (Postgraduate); Research methods and academic norms of Civil Engineering (Postgraduate).

Work Experiences





Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University.



Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University.



Postdoctoral, Zhejiang University.



Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University.

Major Projects





Henan science and technology development plan project, 162300410012, Research on bearing mechanism and settlement characteristics of composite piles in Yellow River flooding area (50,000 yuan, PI).



National Natural Science Foundation youth project, 51508163, research on bearing characteristics and deformation mechanism of pile foundation on slope under vertical and horizontal loads (200,000 yuan, PI).



Henan Province Foundation frontier research project, 132300410234, research on p-y curve method of horizontal bearing pile in silt foundation of Yellow River flooding area (50,000 yuan, PI).



Key scientific and technological projects in Henan Province:Study on soft soil foundation treatment technology in Yellow River flooding area (80,000 yuan, PI).



Key projects of science and technology of the Ministry of Construction:Experimental study and theoretical analysis of concrete core cement soil mortar pile.



Key scientific and technological projects in Henan Province:Research on application technology of reducing settlement pile foundation.



Key projects of Henan Education Department:Study on bearing characteristics and application key technology of concrete core cement soil composite pile for construction waste.



Henan Province basic and advanced technology research project, Henan Province Song Dynasty brick tower damage status and maintenance methods.



Henan Province Science and technology achievement appraisal, traditional building structure performance appraisal and reinforcement technology.



Henan Province Science and technology achievement appraisal, Technology and application of fire protection and thermal insulation of vitrified bead composite polyurethane



Henan Province Science and technology achievement appraisal, Anti seismic technology and application of ancient and antique buildings



Henan Province higher education teaching reform research project, civil engineering undergraduate innovative talents training mode research.



Henan higher education reform research project, civil engineering "AT-CDIO" talent training mode research and practice



Ministry of education, Ministry of higher education, industry university cooperation and collaborative education project, MOOC construction of civil engineering construction and new technology,



Key educational reform project of Henan Provincial Department of education, ideological and political construction and practice of civil engineering courses



Ministry of education, national quality online open course (seismic design of building structures)



Key project of teaching reform of Henan Provincial Department of education, research and practice of innovative talents training mode of Civil Engineering Specialty Based on collaborative innovation,



Ministry of education, national quality online open course (seismic design of building structures)


1. Jianwei Yue,et al. A double action self stress composite uplift pile and its forming method, 2012.11.21, China, ZL201711485706.1.

2. Jianwei Yue, Qingmei Kong, Anquan Xu. A kind of hydrophobic composite steel core glass fiber anti floating anchor and its construction method, 2016.08.24, China, ZL 201510275066.6.

3. Jianwei Yue, Zengrui Li, Na Chang, Yuying Qiu, Tingting Yue. Thermal insulation and fireproof honeycomb cement board and its preparation method, 2013.06.12, China, ZL201110234305.5.

4. Jianwei Yue,et al. Earthquake resistant reinforced concrete antique building structure system, 2011.05.18, China, ZL201010574336.0.

5. Jianwei Yue,et al. Modified glazed bead thermal insulation and crack resistant brick, 2011.05.25, China, ZL200910172768.6.

6. Jianwei Yue,et al. A green concrete precast pile and its construction method for strengthening soft foundation, 2016.11.09, China, ZL201610423700.0.

7. Jianwei Yue,et al. A fabricated column beam structure of antique building and its preparation and splicing method, 2019.04.16, China, ZL201610384822.3.

8. Jianwei Yue,et al. A permeable moistureproof system for foundation and bottom wall of historic building, 2020.06.19, China, CN201810121349.9.

9. Jianwei Yue,et al. Preparation of self waterproof sulphoaluminate cement and its concrete, 2012.12.05, China, ZL201210255459.7.

10. Jianwei Yue,et al. Fire prevention and insulation wall with pouring insulation layer, 2012.07.04, China, ZL201010125913.8.

11. Jianwei Yue,et al. Composite polyurethane insulation system of vitrified micro bead mortar, 2011.09.07, China, ZL2010206311212.1.

12. Jianwei Yue,et al. Tapered lightweight precast concrete core pile, 2012.03.28, China, ZL201120266521.3.

13. Jianwei Yue,et al. Bridge insulation device, 2017.01.25, China, ZL201620527938.3.

14. Jianwei Yue,et al. Automatic reuse system of rainwater and high quality domestic sewage in high rise buildings, 2016.08.17, China, ZL201620527939.8.

Main Publications

A)  Books

1. Jianwei Yue. Research on test and application technology of recycled concrete rigid mixing pile, Henan science and Technology Press, 2015.

2. Jianwei Yue. Analysis and treatment of civil engineering accidents, China Construction Industry Press, 2016.

3. Jianwei Yue. Detection,Identification and Strengthening of Building Structures, China Electric Power Press, 2011.

4. Jianwei Yue. Study and design of Architectural Engineering Specialty Based on Excel, Chemical Industry Press, 2010.

5. Xianchen Bai, Jianwei Yue. Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory, China Construction Industry Press, 2009.

B)  Papers

1. YUE JianweiWANG SiyuanWANG Weizhi, et al. Shear and Tensile Tests of Xinzhengmen Site Soil[J]. Journal of Henan UniversityNatural Science, 2020, 50(04): 459-469.

2. YUE Jianwei, ZHANG Baoxi, ZHAO Limin, et al. Study on the Relationship between Soil Strength and Maintenance Days by Improved MICP Technology[J]. Journal of Henan University(Natural Science), 2020, 50(06): 707-716.

3. ZHANG Baoxi, YUE Jianwei, ZHANG Hui, et al. Study on mechanical properties of soil in Yellow River flooding area improved by MICP technology[J]. Architecture Science, 2020, 36(07): 79-86.

4. ZHAO Limin, YUE Jianwei, KONG Qingmei, et al. Social Development-oriented Innovative Talents Training for Civil Engineering Specialty[J]. Education and Teaching Forum, 2020(10): 164-165.

5. YUE Jianwei, LIN Jian,WANG Yongfeng, et al. Study on the Improvement of Soil Water in Kaifeng Imitation Site[J]. Advanced Engineering Science, 2020, 52(01): 46-55.

6. WANG hao, YUE Jianwei, et al. Application of virtual simulation technology in geotechnical experiment teaching[J]. Think Tank Era, 2019(42): 208-208+226.

7. SONG DaYUE JianweiYUAN Jiangbo, et al. Study of soil mechanical characteristics of ruins in northwest Henan Province[J]. Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 2019,34(01):121-130.

8. YUE JianweiYANG Guanghui. WANG Siyuan, et al. Cusp Catastrophe Model for Slope Failure Based on Elastic Slip Mass[J]. Journal of Henan University(Natural Science), 2019, 49(03): 354-361.

9. WANG Hao, YUE Jianwei, PAN Deng. Estimation Method of Slope Erosion in Single Flood Peak Process[J]. Water Resources and Power, 2019, 37(09): 88-91.

10. YUE Jianwei, KONG Qingmei, GU Lihua. Talent training mode of Civil Engineering Specialty Based on the concept of "new engineering"[J]. Education modernization, 2019, 6(17): 4-6.

11. SONG DaYUE JianweiXU anquan. Experimental study on soil water characteristic curve of unsaturated sandy silt in Yellow River flooding area [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 36(01):163-168.

12. SONG DaYUE JianweiYANG Guanghui. Experimental study on determining the adsorption strength of unsaturated silt soil [J]. Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 2018, 33(03):477-483.

13. XU anquanYUE JianweiSONG Daet al. Discussion on compression modulus and effective stress parameters of Unsaturated Silt in Yellow River flooding area [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017,34(4):672-678.

14. WANG Hao, YUE Jianwei, WANG Quancai. Analysis of retaining wall destruction at landslide slope toe of Erlang mountain and reconstruction technology[J]. Yangtze River, 2017,48(15):71-75.

15. Jianwei Yue, Wangzheng Feng. Discussion of calculation method on ultimate bearing capacity of composite piles, Indian Concrete Journal2016,344:672-678

16. Jianwei Yue, Wangzheng Feng. Anchorage Performance and Interfacial Mechanics Transfer Characteristics of a Composite Anchor Bolt with Different Surface ShapeOpen Journal of Civil Engineering,2016.

17. Anquan Xu, Jianwei Yue, Tingting Yue, Discussion on the Calculation of Extrusion Effect Considering Soil Damage[J]. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2016,374:379-386.

18. CHEN Xu, YUE Jianwei, CHEN Yanmin, XU Anquan. Discussion on Method Calculating Limit Bearing Capacity of Composite Pile[J]. Subgrade Engineering, 2016,1792:6-12.

19. YUE JianweiSONG DaYANG Guanghui, et al. Determination of Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model Parameter of Silt Soil in Yellow River Floodplain[J]. Journal of Henan University(Natural Science), 2017,47(06):733-738.

20. Liu,Xiao-TongYue,Jian-Wei.Research on vertical bearing capacity of composite pileIndian Concrete Journalv 88, n 3,p 31-37, March 2014

21. Yue, JianweiWang,Zhenfeng;Liu, Xiaotong;Chen, Xu;Ling, Guangrong.Lateral load test on composite pilesElectronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering v18 E,p 1011-1024,2013

22. YUE Jianwei, WANG Zhenfeng, HUANG Xiaoliang, LI Liandong. Research on Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Rubber Isolations [J]. Journal of Henan University(Natural Science), 2016,425:658-662.

23. PENG Yanwei, YUE Jianwei, WEI Kun. Characteristic of composite piles of reinforced concrete precast pile and cement mixed pile under lateral load [J]. Building Structure, 2011413:95-97.


25. YUE Jianwei, LI Liandong, SUN Xinsheng, WEI Kun. Research on Fireproofing and Insulation System of Polyurethane Foam and Moulding Board with Glazed-Hollow-Bead Mortar [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2011405:542-547.

26. LI Lianyong, YUE Jianwei, LAI Qiang. Test on Anti-Crack Mortar for Exterior Wall Thermal Insulation [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2011, 41(2)214-216.

27. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang, GU Yan, LIU Kang. Pilot project and mechanical property of the rapid wall [J]. BUILDING STRUCTURE, 2009392:105-108.

28. Yue Jianwei, Bao Peng. Characteristics of the vertical bearing capacity of composite piles [J]. CHINA CIVIL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2008415:59-64.

29. YUE Jianwei, WAG Yongfeng. Application of pressure combined with stress relief method in warehouse deviation correction [J]. SUBGRADE ENGINEERING, 20081394:16-18.

30. YUE Jianwei, YANG Weihong. Hybrid Control System for Earthquake-Resistance Buildings with an Appurtenant Structure [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2008, 38(1):101-106.

31. YUE Jian-wei, WANG Dong-tao. Dynamical Characteristic of "Kaifeng Iron-Tower" [J]. BUILDING SCIENCE, 2008243:15-18.

32. YUE Jianwei, BAI Xianchen, GU Yan. Experimental Research on Vertical Bearing Capacity of Composite Piles in Soft Ground [J]. JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY(ENGINEERING SCIENCE EDITION), 2008403:65-69.

33. YUE Jianwei, PENG Yanwei. Dynamical Characteristic of Huiming Temple Tower in Tang Dynasty [J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY·URBAN SCIENCE, 2008, 25(4):107-110.

34. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang. Macro Model of Fiber Plasterboard Filled with Reinforced Concrete [J]. JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY(ENGINEERING SCIENCE EDITION), 2007396:55-60.


36. Jianwei,YuePeng,Bao.Test on glass fiber reinforced gypsum panels partially filled with RCThe Indian Concrete Journal,v 81, n 2,p 7-14,February 2007


38. YUE Jianwei, LING Guangrong, JIANG Xinliang. Tests of Mixing Piles with Stiffness Core [J]. CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING, 20061411:38-42.

39. JIANG Xinliang, YUE Jianwei. Bearing Capacities of Ceramsite Concrete Composite Slabs with Trough Bottom Plate [J]. JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY(ENGINEERING SCIENCE EDITION), 2006386:6-12.

40. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang, GU Yan, LIU Kang. Tests of Shear Performance of Rapid Walls [J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(URBAN SCIENCE EDITION), 2006(1):27-30.

41. YUE Jianwei, YANG Zhenwei, ZHANG Erwei, Performance-Based Seimic Design of Frame Constructions [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2006, 36(1):106-109.

42. Yue Jianwei, Jiang Xinliang. Macro computational model of rapid wall [J]. JOURNAL OF JILIN UNIVERSITY(ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDITION), 2006365:824-828.

43. Yue J , Jiang X , Ling G . Bearing capacity of mixed pile with stiffness core. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2006, 12(3):204-208.

44. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang. The nonlinear analysis of rapid wall based on macro model[J]. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF HEBEI, 2006, 29(5)107-110.

45. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang, BAO Peng. Study of Mixing Piles With Stiffness Core[J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY·URBAN SCIENCE, 2005224:61-63.

46. JIANG Xin-liang, LI Ming, YUE Jian-wei, LI Heng. Experimental Study on Shear Bearing Capacity of Concrete-filled Plasterboard Beam [J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY·URBAN SCIENCE EDITION, 2006, 23(2):1-4.

47. YUE Jianwei, JIANG Xinliang, GU Yan. Mechanical behavior of glass fiber reinforced gypsum panels [J]. JOURNAL OF XI'AN UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE & TECHNOLOGY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2006(5):639-645.

48. YUE Jianwei, LING Guangrong, ZHANG Hui. Test of Composite Foundation with Composite Pile [J]. BUILDING SCIENCE, 2005, 21(5):16-20.

49. WANG Meng, YUE Jianwei, LIU Zhantong. Analysis of Soft Soil Foundation Settlement Calculating Methods [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2004, 34(3):98-101.

50. YUE Jianwei, XU Shuyao. Discussion and Control Methods of Temperature Crack in the Brick Wall[J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2003, 33(1):90-92.

51. YUE Jianwei, ZHAO Jun. Analysis on Temperature Field of Concrete-Filled Rectangular Tupe Column in Fire [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2003, 33(3):79-81.

52. YUE Jianwei, BAO Peng, XU Shuyao. Theoretic Analysis and Experiment Study of a New Combined Slab [J]. JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE), 2002, 32(1):87-90.

     Honors and Awards



Famous teachers in Henan Province;

The first prize of Henan Teaching Quality Award: research and practice of civil engineering talent training mode based on Collaborative Innovation;

Third prize of science and technology progress of Henan Province:Innovation and application of soft soil foundation treatment technology.



National teaching quality engineering project: the first speaker of National Excellent Course "seismic design of building structures";

Provincial scientific research platform: Director of Henan Rail Transit Intelligent Construction Engineering Research Center.



First prize of teaching quality competition of Henan University.



The first prize of excellent education and teaching achievement of civil engineering in Henan Province: analysis and treatment of civil engineering accidents.



First prize of teaching quality competition of Henan University;

"Jianke Cup" the second prize of the 5th structural model design competition for college students in Henan Province;

Excellent tutor of graduation thesis (design and creation) in Minsheng College of Henan University;

Outstanding communist party member of Henan University;

Third prize of undergraduate works in the second "wanting Cup" digital micro course competition of national architecture colleges.



Excellent tutor of graduation thesis (design and creation) in Minsheng College of Henan University;

Excellent practice instructor of Minsheng College of Henan University.



First prize of Henan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award:" T-WOD" production practice mode of civil engineering specialty".



The second natural science academic award of Henan Province:Analysis of seismic reduction effect of yanqingguan rubber isolation model;

Advanced individual of teacher's ethics in Henan University;

Excellent trade union member of Henan University.



Outstanding communist party member of Henan University.



Special prize of Henan University Teaching Achievement Award: Civil Engineering Materials Experiment (Textbook);

The second prize of the first natural science academic award of Henan Province:Key Technologies of Fireproofing and Insulation System for Polyurethane Foam and Moulding Board with Glazed-hollow-bead;

The first natural science academic award of Henan Province: learning and design of Architectural Engineering Specialty Based on Excel;

Excellent teaching award of Henan University.



The 10th Natural Science excellent academic paper of Henan Province: macro calculation model of concrete core filled fiber gypsum board.



Research Excellence Award of Henan University.



Experts of science and technology evaluation in Kaifeng City;

Second prize of the fourth Kaifeng Natural Science outstanding academic achievement award:Hybrid seismic control system for building with podium;

Second prize of Henan quality education theory and Practice:Application of virtual technology in structural experiment teaching.



Excellent prize of Henan University: application of virtual technology in structural experiment teaching;

Research Excellence Award of Henan University.



Second prize of scientific and technological achievements of Henan Education Department:Research on application technology of rigid mixing pile.






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