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Dr. Baabak Ashuri from Georgia Institute of Technology visited our institute to hold a report

May 23, 2019    Author:

Dr. Baabak Ashuri from Georgia Institute of Technology visited our institute to hold a report

May 23, 2019   Author

At 8:30 am on May 22, Dr. Baabak Ashuri from Georgia Institute of Technology visited our institute and gave an academic report entitled Big Data Analytics for Productivity Assessment of BIM Design Projects in the academic lecture hall on the second floor of the Structure Laboratory. This report meeting was presided over by Zhang Jianwei, deputy dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Some teachers and students of civil engineering major participated in this report meeting.



First of all, Deputy Dean Zhang Jianwei extended a warm welcome to Dr. Baabak Ashuri's arrival, and briefly introduced Dr. Baabak Ashuri and Georgia Institute of Technology to the teachers and students; after that, the academic report officially began.


Dr. Baabak Ashuri explained the importance of BIM (build information model) design; taking a specific project as an example, he explained the establishment of BIM, the extraction and analysis of BIM data, and how to make design plans based on the results of BIM analysis Carry out the evaluation, and then extend the estimate of the expected benefits of the project. With his solid professional knowledge, vivid animations and accurate data, Dr. Baabak Ashuri gave teachers and students a clear understanding of the core content of the report. During the communication session, the teachers and students at the meeting raised their questions in English, and Dr. Baabak Ashuri answered the questions one by one.


Finally, the report will end in a good academic exchange atmosphere. The whole course of the report was in English, which benefited the teachers and students present and enhanced the friendly cooperation and exchanges between our college and Georgia Institute of Technology.

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